
Zachary Knight UCSF

Zachary Knight

Professor, Department of Physiology
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

PhD, Chemistry & Chemical Biology, UCSF
BA, Chemistry, Princeton University

Zack's laboratory investigates the neurobiology of homeostasis, especially the neural mechanisms that govern hunger, thirst, and thermoregulation.


More about Zack...


Linda Toschi-Chambers

Executive Assistant 

[email protected]





Sophia Laskaris

Lab Manager, Website manager

BS, Biological Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston

[email protected]






Brooke Jarvie

Postdoctoral Scholar

PhD, Neuroscience, University of Washington
BS, Biomedical Science, Colorado State University

NIH National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellow (2020–)

[email protected]




Shenliang Yu

Postdoctoral Scholar

PhD, Cell Biology, Yale University
BS, Biological Sciences, Fudan University

[email protected]

Sandler Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research (PBBR) Postdoctoral Independent Research Award recipient




Jonathan (JP) Riggle

Postdoctoral Scholar

PhD, Integrative Neuroscience, University of Chicago
BA, Neuroscience, University of Virginia

[email protected]





Alejandro Lopez

Postdoctoral Scholar, Gastroenterology Fellow

MD, Weill Cornell Medicine 

PhD, Biological Sciences, Rockefeller University

BS, Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez


[email protected]



Heeun Jang

Postdoctoral Fellow, joint with Garrison lab

PhD, Biological Sciences, Rockefeller University
BS, Life Science, Pohang University of Science and Technology

NIH National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellow (2019–)

[email protected]



James Grove

Graduate Student, UCSF Neuroscience Program

BA, Linguistics, University of Chicago

NIH National Research Service Award Predoctoral Fellow (2020–)

[email protected]




Truong Ly

Graduate Student, UCSF Neuroscience Program

BS, UCLA, Integrative Biology and Physiology
MS, UCLA, Integrative Biology and Physiology

NIH National Research Service Award Predoctoral Fellow (2023–)

[email protected]




Zhengya Liu

Graduate Student, UCSF Neuroscience Program

BS, Nanjing University, Biology
MS, McGill University, Neuroscience

[email protected]





Naz Dundar

Graduate Student, UCSF Neuroscience Program

BA, Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley
BA, Psychology, University of California, Berkeley

BIF PhD Fellow (2023–)
UCSF Discovery Fellow (2023–)

[email protected]



Anagh Sinha Ravi

Graduate Student, UCSF Neuroscience Program

BA, Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley

NSF Graduate Research Fellow (2023–)

[email protected]




Anna Hakimi 

Graduate Student, UCSF Neuroscience Program

BS, Neurobiology, University of California San Diego

MS, Biology, University of California San Diego

[email protected]




Xinyang Yi 

Graduate Student, UCSF Neuroscience Program

BS, Biological Sciences, Peking University

[email protected]




Nikos Chatziris

Assistant Specialist

BS, Psychology, University of Crete
MS, Neuroscience, University of Crete

[email protected]



Jingkun Zhang

Visiting Scholar

M.D., Peking University

[email protected]





Jaewon Choi

Research Technician

BA, Psychology, University of California, Berkeley

[email protected]






Mo Mao

Research Technician

Student, University of California, Berkeley

[email protected]